Snow is in the forecast, time for a GIVEAWAY!
This vintage French poster can be YOURS.
15″ W x 23.5″ H
Artist: J. Plaquin
Value: $300
Simply leave a comment below and let me know how this poster might brighten up a January day.
I will announce the giveaway winner next Friday. Have a great weekend!
the wry home
You’re nuts to be giving a Vintage French poster away lady.. BUT it sure would brighten up my very naked WALL’S in my VERY RED bedroom.. Would be placed in just the right space, for my morning viewing.. LOVE YOU, Lizanne
Would be perfect in dear daughter’s first apartment – yes have already started a box of items!
Happy new year Liz! I can think of many places! A votre sante!
I just got a new office at the college where I teach. Only they didn’t give me a desk or chairs. I had to bring my own lawn furniture to use! I have one red metal table, with two ornate black metal lawn chairs. The January sun is alit on my newly painted but bare walls. This lively French poster would be the bring this lonely office of life.
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