While tying up some Thanksgiving loose ends, I quickly ran into Target and ended up in a holiday detour. The Christmas stuff was out… The store wasn’t crowded. Very cute things were on the shelves…
Like this tree door mat for $13.oo
Red party buckets with gold handles, each $20.00
Adorable $3.00 ornaments

Squirrel ornament $5.00

Red Truck ornament $5.00
Twelve feet of cheerful wooden beads for your tree, $8.00
Festive appetizer plates, two for $3.00
Dachshund holiday cards, 14 for $7.00. Dachshunds are a weakness…
Cherry red wrapping paper for $3.99
Ribbon to match, $3.00
and more ribbon, $6.00!
Christmas gift bags for $1.50
75 gift tags for $4.00
Decorative trees, each $20.00
A marble tree, and Smith & Hawken curled wood trees. So cute!
Santa nutcracker, $10.00
Smith & Hawken $15.00 Amaryllis bulb kit. Fabulous gift!
Well, the Thanksgiving things never got purchased.
But, I am more than ready to decorate my house for Christmas!
the wry home
You have inspired me I am off! Ho Ho Ho!
Happy shopping!
Wonderful that you are supporting Target.
They are being boycotted for having bathrooms that are comfortable for everyone including transgender people.
They also have nongendet toys and clothes for children so girls don’t have to dress in pink all the time anymore.
Go girl power!
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