Wind Farm Chic

by Liz Dowling

It has been almost two years since I wrote about the Block Island Wind Farm.  Little Rhody set the stage and now Massachusetts and New York are adding their own chic wind farms!  I thought it was worth another read because they are awesome.

Five wind turbines were installed three miles off the coast of Block Island, Rhode Island in 2016.

Turbines being installed

Turbines going in, three more to go

In the grand scheme of things, five turbines is a small wind farm, but it’s the start of a new industry on this side of the pond.

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The turbines supplies electricity to over 17,000 homes in New England.

It was amazing to watch them go in.

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Here is a perspective of how big they are.  See the person on the deck?

Putting windmills offshore, where the wind is stronger and more reliable than on land, could potentially provide more electricity than produced on the grid.  This technology is already used in many European countries.

They have become somewhat of a tourist attraction on Block Island!

Here are two in view from the yard of the Southeast Lighthouse.

All five in a row off Southeast Light!

Southeast Lighthouse

Southeast Lighthouse, built in 1875

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I love the juxtaposition of this beautiful, rustic island next to the chic, modern turbines.

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You can see them peeking around the corner all over the island.


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Very excited that the Block Island Wind Farm is providing clean energy to so many people.  Take a look at this great article by Justin Gillis from the New York Times.

View from the ferry, leaving the island

View of the wind farm leaving the island

the wry home

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Melinda Sweet August 15, 2018 - 9:58 am

I love this post. Bravo Little Rhodie for taking the lead!
Mom Sweet

Claire August 19, 2018 - 8:18 am

Seconded! Great article, Liz.

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